Supreme Court justice's wife is compiling 'enemies list' of government workers disloyal to Trump
Daily KOS
February 26, 2020
Area: Washington, DC (Hagerstown)
Ginni Thomas is not just the wife of arch-conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas - she is also a hard-right conservative activist who has been, and let us attempt to put this as graciously as possible, very, very active in behind-the-scenes efforts to turn conservatism into the freak cult it has become. She is well-connected, because if nothing else that is what having a sitting member of the Supreme Court in your household will do for a person. She has clout.
It's an amazing thing to contemplate, this news that Ginni Thomas is (again and still) teaming up with some of the most batshit cultists in Washington to drive Donald Trump even further into his deep state paranoias than the man would otherwise be, but here we are. To be fair, the Ginni Thomases of the party had those paranoias first. They are just letting Donald borrow them.
The top-level news is that Ginni Thomas personally is helping to lead the charge of purging government employees who are seen as insufficiently loyal to America's Dear Leader. The wife of a Supreme Court justice is the one coming up with lists of names of The Party's enemies, and is both expecting and urging that federal offices be scrubbed of those enemies in what even two presidents ago would be an administration-shaking scandal, but is now considered conservatism's divine right.
As reported by Axios, Thomas' Groundswell network has been taking it upon itself to root out members of the government whom it deems insufficiently loyal to Donald Trump. Its members meet weekly "in the D.C. offices of Judicial Watch," the conservative judicial activist group headed by batshit crazy person and Fox News talking head but-I-repeat-myself Tom Fitton. Judicial Watch swiftly remade itself from whatever it once purported to be, before the Trump era, to a Trump defense league, vigorously attacking the Robert Mueller investigation and investigations into Russian hacking in general, and decrying the cruel treatment of Donald Trump's allies as they each work through the court system because of all the damn crimes they did.
So the way this works is, says Axios, that members of Groundswell have passed names to Thomas, who has access enough to pass them to Trump, and this is how the list of Donald Trump's "deep state" enemies continues be built. It is the usual method for a cult: The group simply rattles off the names of people it doesn't like, possibly because they came to legal conclusions at odds with Dear Leader's agenda or because they refused to prosecute Dear Leader's named enemies on dubious or outright fictional charges.
The other half of the effort is identifying people who could take the place of those insufficiently loyal government workers. As is also the usual method for a cult, the replacement names are culled from those who may or may not have any relevant experience, but have praised Dear Leader on television.
This is the wife of a Supreme Court justice leading this charge. Her White House counterpart is, because everything has gone absolutely batshit insane now, Donald Trump's ex-bodyguard, newly re-installed Johnny McEntee, who has been tasked with compiling the same enemies list from inside the government. All involved parties appear to believe that this is indeed how the United States should function: Those who are not Republican loyalists should be removed from government service, replaced with television personalities, radio hosts, and others whose devotion to the movement is public and vigorous.
If it were happening in any other nation, how would our press cover this?