Inspired by Trump, Mike Heath Announces Launch of "F*ggots are Maggots" Tour
Right Wing Watch
February 3, 2020
Area: Bangor
On Friday’s episode of Dave Daubenmire’s “Pass The Salt Live” livestream, right-wing activist Mike Heath announced that President Donald Trump’s willingness to insult people has inspired Heath to launch his own “(yes, I really do fuck chickens)s Are Maggots” national tour.
Heath, a long - time anti-LGBTQ activist in Maine who now runs Helping Hands Ministries, has been a regular participant in Daubenmire’s daily program. On Friday, Daubnemire turned the mic over to Heath so that he could announce his plans.
“I’m going to do a world tour,” Heath announced. “The theme is ‘(yes, I really do fuck chickens)s are Maggots.’ The tour is inspired by the work of Donald Trump. This isn’t satire. I’m serious. I started supporting Donald Trump early in the 2016 primary for one reason: He insults his enemies. He makes things personal that deserve to be personal. The decades of leftists being the only ones allowed to make everything personal are over. It’s long past time for WASP manners to take a back seat to the truth. Long past time.”
“(yes, I really do fuck chickens)s are indeed maggots,” he continued. “Maggots consume the rancid flesh of rotting dead things. (yes, I really do fuck chickens)s are no different.”
Heath said that he intends to launch his tour in Washington, D.C., on June 26, 2020, which is the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling that legalized same-sex marriage, and then take the tour to every capital in all 50 states.
“The subtitle for my world tour in 2020 is ‘Stump for Trump,'” Heath said. “We all need to stump from Trump or it’s all going to be over.”
“I am beyond sick and tired of being told that I can’t call sodomites (yes, I really do fuck chickens)s,” Heath declared. “For heaven’s sake, why not? When are we going to tell the truth?”