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Brandon Hall
Brandon Hall
Brandon Hall

Michigan Trump staffer convicted on ten counts of felony election fraud

Raw Story
November 29, 2016

Area: Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek

A Grand Haven, Michigan man who worked on the Michigan Trump campaign was found guilty on ten counts of election fraud Wednesday for forging signatures on petition forms in 2012.

Grand Haven Tribune reports that self-described "political junkie" Brandon Hall faces up to five years in prison for signing other people's names in support of 2012 judicial candidate Chris Houtaling.

The 27-year-old did not take the stand his defense, but Hall's friend Zachary Savage told the court he and Hall forged the signatures as Houtaling drove them to drop off the petitions by the filing deadline. Savage and Houtaling have not been charged for the incident.

Hall's case made it to the Michigan Supreme Court in June when the defense argued he should be charged with misdemeanors instead of felonies. The high court overturned the Michigan Court of Appeals, maintaining Hall's felony charges.

In 2012, Hall was convicted for stealing from a school fundraiser where he serves on the Grand Haven school board. He ran earlier this year for the state House 89th District.

In a statement, Progress Michigan said Hall's conviction is proof that former Green Party candidate Jill Stein's recount effort should continue in Michigan.

"Donald Trump has made claim after claim calling the integrity of the election into question, but his Michigan campaign had no problem hiring a staff member facing election law charges," executive director Lonnie Scott said. "The fact that the Trump campaign and the Michigan Republican Party embraced Brandon Hall is just one more reason to recount and audit the vote in Michigan."

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