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Trump in Illinois
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Bloomington, Illinois, March 13, 2016.
Trump in Illinois

Judge Issues Restraining Order Against Trump Campaign Over Voter Intimidation

US Uncut
Fri November 4, 2016

Area: Columbus, OH

A US district judge in Ohio has officially issued a restraining order against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's campaign in an effort to protect voters from being harassed at the polls this Tuesday.

Trump has repeatedly accused the US elections of being "rigged" after his poll numbers started to slide ever farther behind Clinton's last month. However, the campaign has been unable to provide any proof of widespread voter fraud.

Trump has encouraged his supporters to "watch" the polls, supposedly to guard against fraud. However, US district Judge James S. Gwin ruled in favor of a lawsuit filed by the Ohio Democratic Party, who were suspicious that Trump supporters would intimidate Clinton supporters to keep them from voting.

"And when I say 'watch," you know what I'm talking about right? You know what I'm talking about," Trump told a crowd in Akron.

Because Trump's lawyers were unable to explain or give credible examples of the types of voter fraud that Trump has claimed, Judge Gwin agreed with the Ohio Democratic Party that Trump was ordering these "watches" with more hostile intentions in mind.

Ironically, given the racist stigma that has plagued the Trump campaign, Judge Gwin cited provisions of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 in his decision, which was written to prevent voter intimidation that African Americans were suffering at the hands of the hate group. (Another odd connection: The Ku Klux Klan's official newspaper recently endorsed Trump.)

The restraining order prohibits Trump and his "officers, agents, servants, and employees" from engaging in voter intimidation activity." The judge also wrote that he wanted "this Order (to) be publicized to law enforcement and elections officials in advance of Election Day."

Similar lawsuits have also been filed against the Trump campaign in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

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