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Cops Raid Wrong House, Shoot Dog, Shoot Man, Then They Even Shot Another Cop

Counter Current
Tue September 1, 2015

Area: Atlanta

Recently Georgia police carried out a home invasion of a house they never had a warrant to enter. In the course of the illegal raid, one officer was shot. But now it has been proven that it was a fellow police officer who pulled the trigger.

At first, the DeKalb County police claimed the homeowner had shot one of their officers. But now an investigation has proven that was never the case.

Police entered the home, on a burglary call, and was accidentally shot by another officer, not by the homeowner. But that was after officers shot the homeowner and his dog.

Local WXIA reports that the incident happened at about 7:35 Monday night.

Three officers showed up at first. But when no contact was made to verify what they thought was that address's burglar alarm, they broke in through a screened porch, which they described as an "unlocked door".

The officers saw the dog who lived on the premises. They immediately shot and killed the animal.

Shortly after that, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation says a male in the home, later determined to be the homeowner, was also shot by the officers.

The GBI says that an officer was shot, but it turns out he was shot by a fellow officer, not by the homeowner.

Local 11 Alive News reports that "Alexander said officers received a vague location description of the burglary-in-progress call and ended up entering the wrong home. The 911 call described the home as a brick and tan one-story home. 11Alive has requested the audio and transcript of that 911 call."

They also add that "DeKalb County Police have declined to release that information at this time," which continues to be the case.

The homeowner was shot in the leg, but he was treated at Atlanta Medical Center and later released.

Georgia Bureau of Investigation

News Release

Contact: Scott Dutton


For Immediate Release

September 1, 2015

GBI Investigates Officer Involved Shooting in DeKalb County

Atlanta, GA - On Monday, August 31, 2015 at approximately 9:40 p.m., the DeKalb County

Police Department (DKPD) requested GBI assistance in reference to an officer involved

shooting. DeKalb County 911 received a call on this date at approximately 7:35 p.m. concerning

a possible burglary in progress. DKPD officers were dispatched to an address off Bouldercrest

Road and Boulderwoods Drive, Atlanta, DeKalb County, Georgia. The officers were provided a

description of the residence by DeKalb County 911. The residence was described as a brick and

tan one-story home.

Three DKPD officers arrived and located a home at 1500 Boulderwoods Drive matching the 911

physical description. Officers approached the residence and attempted to contact occupants at the

residence. No contact was made. Officers made their way around to the rear of the home and

gained entry to a screened porch and then entered the residence through a reportedly unlocked

rear door. The rear doorway entered the residence's kitchen area.

Upon entry to the residence, the officers encountered a dog. Two officers fired their weapons

striking and killing the animal in the kitchen. A male in the home, later determined to be the

homeowner, exited a room off the kitchen and was also shot by the responding officers. The

homeowner was shot in the leg and transported to Atlanta Medical Center, where he was treated

and released. One of the responding DKPD officers was also shot. The officer was shot in the hip

and transported to Grady Memorial Hospital. The officer underwent surgery and is in serious, but

stable condition. Early investigation indicates that the injured officer was likely shot accidently

by one of the other officers on the scene.

The preliminary GBI investigation indicates that the responding officers likely entered a

residence unrelated to the initial 911 call although it matched the given dispatched description.

Early investigation by GBI revealed no indication of criminal activity at the residence at 1500

Boulderwoods or on the part of the injured homeowner.

The GBI will conduct an independent investigation to determine what occurred during the

incident. When the investigation is complete it will be turned over to the district attorney for any

action the district attorney deems appropriate.

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