Exercise 1: Preflight Training, The Portal
Cyberspace Orbit
Fri April 21, 2000
We don't need to go to Egypt or Peru to find a portal. No kidding, portals are nearby. Where?
1. Grab a piece of typing paper and a pencil.
2. Draw a circle on the paper, maybe 5 inches across.
3. Fill the circle full of random dots. "Tap, tap, tap," no don't organize them, just random.
4. More dots, MORE DOTS, dense dots, ten minutes worth.
5. Stop.
6. Look at the dots.
7. Look different ways, that is, focus your eyes differently. Try looking through the dots as though the circle is the surface, a hole, looking through. Have you seen those stereograms (SIRDS) in the mall boutiques and the fairs? Look at the dots like you look at the stereograms.
8. Try connecting the dots, take your pencil and sketch a little. If you see a form, a shape, an object sketch over it, define the form. If you don't see anything yet, sketch anyway, just connect dots until a pattern appears. Any pattern, shape, form...thing. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT YOUR ABILITY TO DRAW!
9. When the form or object or pattern appears better, emphasize it more, maybe color it in.
Whatever you saw in your circle EXISTS!
In an infinite cosmos all dreams are true.
If the image is pleasing, look closer, make more drawings, describe the object or shape with words.
If the image is not pleasing, maybe scary, mark it with a mental buoy, that is, make it a place in space to navigate around, at least for now. We have the choice to confront or navigate around and go on. I like skirting around in most cases because I'm beginning to believe that these frightening places are like guardians, ie, forms dumped there, like a minefield, to keep us earthbound, that is, as opposed to profound places that require confrontation.
Sometimes confrontation is cool as long as we don't get super glued into the very thing we are facing off.
One day you might want to confront, but not necessary now. We have more things to do, awesome things.
This is just a beginning.