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Rush Limbaugh Billboard
A photo taken Sunday shows a billboard with the text "Rush Limbaugh Straight Shooter" and fake bullet holes that is said to have been located in Tucson, Ariz., near the location of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' shooting.
Rush Limbaugh Billboard

Rush Limbaugh's 'Straight Shooter' Tucson Billboard Is Removed

Wed January 12, 2011

In the wake of the Tucson, Arizona, shooting at an event hosted by Representative Gabrielle Giffords, talk radio host Rush Limbaugh has been emphatic in his assertion that he and other right-wing political figures in no way contributed to the mindset of suspected gunman Jared Loughner. But an unfortunate billboard advertising Limbaugh's show has given his critics some ammunition of their own.

A photograph was circulated early this morning of the Tucson billboard, which was located along Interstate 10, just five miles from the Safeway store where a gunman killed six people and injured 13 others, including Giffords.

The text of the ad read "Rush Limbaugh Straight Shooter," and was accompanied by pictures of stray bullet holes.

The New York-based blogger "copyranter," who describes himself as an advertising copywriter with 18 years experience, posted the picture from Reddit on his site, noting that the billboard had "actually been there for quite some time" and that it was created by KNST, the Tucson station on which Limbaugh's program airs.

When contacted by Surge Desk, the man who originally posted the photo to Reddit said that the billboard was taken down on Monday, two days after the shooting rampage.

With debate raging in the country over whether incendiary rhetoric actually leads to violent acts, the discovery of the billboard suddenly took on new meaning, and many people took to Twitter and blogs to express their displeasure.

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