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Three policemen injured and BBC in lockdown as hundreds protest over BNP leader's Question Time showdown

Daily Mail, UK
Wed October 21, 2009

Area: London

Brandishing banners and holding scarlet flares, an angry mob of more than 1,000 protesters laid siege to the BBC last night.

Students, anti-fascist campaigners and office workers united in their opposition to the broadcaster's decision to allow the BNP leader to appear on Question Time.

Forty protesters surged into Television Centre when its gates opened to let in a car. 'Whose BBC?,' they cried. 'Our BBC.'

Defying a police cordon, they smashed down a barrier to get into the building. Minutes later, women were dragged back outside screaming insults at the security guards, saying they were 'protecting the Nazis'.

A police officer was treated by paramedics for a head injury while two others suffered minor injuries.

One protester claimed she was hit over the head by a policeman while another was pictured being dragged from the BBC building by one leg.

Other protesters who vaulted the barriers were trampled on after being pushed back by policemen. Later, wooden poles and bottles were thrown over the fence and riot police were called to the gates to ward off further trouble.

One protester defaced the sign on the front of the building, changing the BBC logo to 'fascist pigs'.

The crowd cheered and chanted slogan after slogan including, 'We're black, white, Asian and Jew, BBC shame on you.'

Meanwhile, Nick Griffin - flanked by police and accompanied by 40 burly, dark-suited minders - was ushered into the West London building through a side entrance.

Campaigners had gathered at 9am yesterday and tempers flared as their numbers grew.

Up to 300 police and 60 extra BBC security staff - at an estimated cost to the taxpayer of £100,000 - were deployed.

The chanting intensified as the crowd waited for Mr Griffin to leave. 'The BNP is a Nazi party - smash the BNP,' chanted some.

Lukas Keudic, 20, a student at King's College London, was among those who managed to get to the doors of the studio where the debate was due to be held.

He said: 'There were about ten to 20 of us and we were just standing there chanting in a peaceful protest. We spoke to the police and they started grabbing us.'

Other protesters included Doris Page, a 73-year-old woman from North London who fled Hitler's Germany in 1939 with her Jewish family.

She was adamant that Mr Griffin should not appear on the politics show: 'As far as I'm concerned Nick Griffin is the same as the Nazis. He comes across as plausible and persuasive but there is another, uglier side to him.'

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: 'Three police officers have been injured at the protest outside TV Centre this evening.

'One officer has been taken to hospital by LAS (London Ambulance Service) with a head injury - his condition is not known at this stage.

'Two officers have suffered minor injuries. Neither required hospital treatment.'

As the programme got underway, Mr Dimbleby tried to calm the audience by insisting that it would not be 'the Nick Griffin show'.

But Griffin was soon confronted by a young black man in the audience who called him 'disgusting' and he denied he had said that black men walk like monkeys.

He was repeatedly challenged over his previous denial of the Holocaust but said he could not explain his views for legal reasons.

Mark Byford, deputy director general of the BBC, said: 'The earlier incident at TV Centre was dealt with quickly by the police and security staff, and the small number of protesters involved were escorted promptly from the building.

'The plans we have in place for the recording of Question Time remain unchanged and are going ahead.'

A police officer at the scene said no further audience members for other shows, including those hosted by Piers Morgan, Harry Hill and Jonathan Ross, were being allowed into Television Centre tonight for security reasons.

Drama student Heathcote Ruthven, 19, from Ladbroke Grove, west London, claimed he was hit over the head with a metal baton by police during clashes.

He said: 'I didn't realise for a while until the policeman said, "Your head is bleeding". The police were being the more aggressive of the two parties.

'A few people got hit and my mate got bruises on his arm.'

A police helicopter continued to hover overhead this evening as the protesters chanted anti-fascist slogans and two ambulances were seen leaving the rear of Television Centre.

Student Lukas Keudic, 20, was among those who managed to get to the doors of the studio where the debate was due to be held.

He said: 'We were in the main reception next to Piers Morgan when about 30 police officers turned up. There were about ten to 20 of us and we were just standing there chanting in a peaceful protest.

'We spoke to the police and they started grabbing us. They grabbed one person and we started chanting "Ian Tomlinson" and then they put us into a corner.'

Mr Tomlinson is the man who died during the G20 protests in London earlier this year, for which police were criticised over their heavy-handed tactics.

A BBC spokesman said the disruption was dealt with 'promptly' and that the protesters were escorted from the premises.

'A small number of people managed to get into Television Centre. However, they were identified and are being escorted from the building quickly.'

Campaigners had been outside all day but tempers flared as their numbers swelled and they angrily faced up police blockades.

Violence erupted during an impromptu march when security guards opened a gate to let a vehicle into the front car park.

Just after 5.15pm, Mr Griffin was sneaked into Television Centre via a rear entrance, accompanied by security guards.

Speaking after entering the building, Mr Griffin said of the protesters: 'I was rather expecting that.

'The Labour Party financed groups from all over the country bringing a mob down here today. It was always going to be a fairly big event.'

When asked about the filming of Question Time, Mr Griffin said he expected some 'political rough and tumble'.

Members of the Question Time audience were escorted into the building after having their passports checked.

Among them was Frank Langan, 66, from Ealing, west London, who said: 'I'm going to go in and find out what Nick Griffin has got to say.

'I don't have to agree with it but I think it's right that he is allowed on Question Time. I think everybody is entitled to their own opinion, even if you don't like them.'

Kady Pait, 19, a French student from Leeds, also made it into the building.

He said: 'It was just a peaceful protest and then the police started dragging us off.'

Anti-fascists brandished their banners in the face of BNP supporters as they arrived for filming and were chaperoned by officers into the building.

As the debate approached, the protesters started yelling loudly: 'We're black, white, Asian and Jew, BBC shame on you' and 'we won't let Nick Griffin through'.

Senior BBC broadcaster Jeremy Bowen said as he left Television Centre tonight said: 'I think it's fine that people are protesting. It's a legitimate protest. People are making clear their views.

'I think we live in a free society and there's free speech and while it's obviously highly controversial, I personally think it's the right decision to have him on.'

Former home secretary David Blunkett criticised the BBC both for inviting Mr Griffin on the programme and its news coverage of the event.

'To spend the first ten minutes of the Six O'Clock News covering their own decision and the consequences of putting the leader of the BNP on Question Time, was a total distortion of news priority and a deliberate promotion of their own publicity-seeking decision,' he said.

'The only people who have benefited from this row are the BNP and the BBC's Question Time ratings.

'They really do need to examine their own consciences and the BBC Trust needs to examine the value of its own existence.'

The Unite Against Fascism group hopes thousands will have joined the protest by tonight.

One of the oldest protesters at today's demonstration was Monty Goldman, 78, whose father Sidney marched against Oswald Mosley's Black Shirts in east London in 1936.

Mr Goldman, from Hackney, said: 'This party, the BNP, is an absolute disgrace. This man is a Nazi and he is also a Holocaust denier.

'They wouldn't stand for him if he was in Austria, they would have sent him to prison like the historian David Irving.'

Philip McCiowen, 54, from Welwyn Garden City in Hertfordshire, attended today's rally dressed in military fatigues. On his face he wore a mask depicting Mr Griffin's face.

A black toothbrush moustache had been scrawled on the upper lip.

At one point a protester let off a red flare as the crowd marched back down towards Television Centre along Wood Lane.

Mr McCiowen said: 'Hitler started like this and in a small way Nick Griffin is trying to blame the Asians, Muslims and blacks. It's exactly the same as in 1933 and he shouldn't be allowed on television.'

As the demonstration continued, police with cameras started filming the protesters, many of whom waved placards denouncing the war in Iraq.

There were also union members in the crowd, including one waving a banner for the RMT and another with a placard for the union Unite.

Members of the far-left group Antifa, which has previously clashed with police at demonstrations against the BNP, are also believed to be at today's demonstration.

Mr Griffin riled public anger over his involvement in the flagship show further this morning by thanking the BBC for giving his far-right party unprecedented publicity.

He will appear alongside Justice Secretary Jack Straw, Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne, Conservative shadow cabinet member Sayeeda Warsi, a Muslim, and author Bonnie Greer.

The programme is filmed several hours beforehand and broadcast as if it was live, although sections can be edited out for legal or taste reasons before transmission.

Amid warnings Mr Griffin's involvement could trigger racist attacks, the BBC insisted he would not be allowed to make inflammatory comments.

A spokesman said the show would be run in compliance with the law, implying that any overt racist remarks will be cut.

Outside Television Centre, Weyman Bennett, joint national secretary of Unite Against Fascism, said: 'I don't believe the BNP are going to be taken apart in the debate.

'What they are going to get is a massive hustings for their fascist and racist politics and the price for that will be an increase in the number of racist attacks.'

Elane Heffernan, 47, handed out leaflets declaring 'No Plugs for Nazi Nick' and claimed the BBC had blocked anti-fascists from the studio audience.

'We all applied for tickets but didn't get one. A friend of mine was told she had a ticket but then they rang up and was told she didn't,' she said.

'The anti-racist majority are peaceful people. Whether it turns will be down to whether the police attack protesters.'

Steven Ellis, 26, a librarian, said: 'I am down here because the BNP should not be treated like a normal party.

'They don't respect the rights of others and the BBC should not be inviting them on Question Time.

'A lot of BBC staff agree with us. A lot of people will arrive later to show their opposition to what the BBC are doing.'

Labour MP Andy Slaughter helped the protesters. He said: 'The BBC know they have made a mistake and as usual they have made the wrong judgment call...

'Despite the massive amounts of money they are paid and the tiers of management they don't seem to be able to make the decisions most people would make.

'I think it is just irresponsible. Cutting through the dinner party conversation about freedom of speech, the practical impact it is going to have on Muslim, black and Asian communities is reason enough not to give the BNP a platform.'

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