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Duncan O'Finioan's True Story is the Bourne Films on Steroids, Reports Director Judy Bel

Sun July 29, 2007

Area: Palm Springs

PALM SPRINGS, California - Duncan's life essentially ended at age six when his parents handed him over to the CIA for mind control experiments. MK Ultra's Project Talent took innocent children and tortured and manipulated them into serving their perverse goals. Today, only a few hundred remain alive and most will not or cannot tell their stories.

A car accident that almost broke his neck caused his memory to be flooded with images of his lost years ... Black Ops, assassinations, Cambodia at age twelve, endless days of being tortured and beaten, lost periods of time, questions. The MRI machine started smoking when it came in contact with an implant in his skull. X-rays show other implants.

Recently the CIA released the Family Jewels documents and nearly hidden on page 425 is the paragraph outlining "potentially embarrassing Agency activities." These activities included administering mind or personality altering drugs to unwitting subjects as young as four. Sensory deprivation, electroshock, hypnosis, and drugs were used. Historians have learned that creating a "Manchurian Candidate"-style subject was undoubtedly a goal of MKULTRA and related CIA projects.

The story of the CIA documents appeared in the Australian Times. Nothing has been reported in the American media. Why?

Duncan's first book, "Innocence Turned Deadly" received five star reviews on amazon.com. One reviewer says: "This remarkable first novel of Duncan O'Finioan brings to mind another first published in my lifetime, 'Catcher In The Rye.' 'Innocence Turned Deadly' has the same classical input into today's circumstances as 'Catcher In The Rye' had those years ago. The urgency lies in the factual information such as when he writes about the Gestapo. Believe it. It is the Truth."

The second highly anticipated book, "Deadly Awakening", is nearly finished. A feature film is in development. What incriminating government secrets does his alternate personality know that will be revealed under hypnosis?

View interviews at: http://projectcamelot.net/duncan_o_finioan.html and http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3267307509500205246

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